Obedience brings the blessinG and favor of God upon your life
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
- Luke 6:38 KJV
Thank you for your generosity! God is unwilling to do without a cheerful, "prompt to do it" giver, whose heart is in their giving.
(see 2 Corinthians 9:7 AMPC)
TEXT GIVE TO (833) 921 - 7014
ARB Ministries team will travel to over 36 cities this year nationwide. Every year there has been exponential growth in the ministry. The first year in America we reached over 10,000 people, the second year over 23,000 people and last year over 43,000 people! This year we expect to reach over 80,000 people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Partnership is a way for you to be a part of what God is doing in America through ARB Ministries! Partnership says I am making your vision, my vision and your purpose is my purpose! When you sow in obedience on good ground, you command the blessing in your life. Our harvest becomes your harvest!
Purpose in your heart to consistently give cheerfully. As a result you will bear fruit and will receive thirty, sixty, even one hundred-fold in the name of Jesus! Make the decision today to be a generous partner of ARB Ministries. We pray that God will make all grace abound toward you.
That you will always have all sufficiency in all things. That you will abound in every good work!
Partnership is the key to unlocking consistent growth and blessing. Partnership says I am tying myself into this work to see it go further so that more people will be healed, touched, saved and delivered.The key to a consistent flow is intentionality. Some sow when they need something of the Lord. This often leads to sporadic scattering of seed on any soil, and whilst this will yield a return, there's no comparison to the harvest you experience when sowing consistent, intentional seed.By joining hands with what the Lord is doing via partnership, you tap into, and establish yourself, in the eternal. When you sow seed into good soil, there MUST be increase and we have this guarantee, that in this life, we will see a 100 fold return!
On top of that, the same blessing we receive in winning souls will be accounted unto you because you are connected to the work of expanding the kingdom!
Just as you cannot be a soul winner and not see blessings in your life, you cannot partner with those winning souls and not see your desires come into fruition because you are following Mark 37:4 "Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart."
God WILL GIVE you the desires of your heart when you put the kingdom first.
Join us!
Many see the end result but very few have heard about the journey and the behind the scenes of how the Tent of Miracles came to be and that's what I wanted to share with you.
I remember the Lord telling me in November 2022, seemingly out of nowhere, that I needed to do a crusade in Lakeland, FL. I thought this would just be another simple church meeting, but that wasn't the case. As with everything else when the Lord is in it, He far exceeded my expectations.
This crusade felt so big in my spirit, I knew a church building wasn't the right setting for it. We looked into stadiums and other large venues for availability yet nothing worked out. Nothing was big enough to fit what I felt in my spirit.
Sitting in my office, frustrated, I told the Lord we needed a larger place and reminded him of the call he gave me to go to Lakeland. How was it that the logistics weren't coming together?
And then, He said...
"Go get a tent.” What?! I responded, "absolutely not! Why would you want me to go get a tent? Tents are ugly. I don't want to be in one of those things!”
"There has to be a better way of doing this" and the Lord replied, "go get a circus tent." Immediately, phone calls were made and emails were sent yet every response that came back was a dead end.
"Lord, you told me to find a circus tent and we don't have a circus tent. So where do we find one?" The Lord said, "you're looking in the wrong place." Really? "Where do you want me to look?" The Lord replied, "at a circus!" Ha! Why didn't I think of that? With this direction, a phone call was made to a local circus and a beautiful tent was found - we locked it in.
Securing a building wasn't the only obstacle we faced, they seemed to pop up on every front. Not only had our team never organized a tent crusade but every time we found land and locked it in, the deal would fall through. We were even told by one of the land owners that there was going to be a wicca convention and that our meeting, and I quote, "wouldn't jive with their convention." Laughing, I was kind of happy they felt it wouldn't "jive", how weird if it did!
We weren't going half way with this crusade. I literally can't. I'm either all in or all out. I knew the cost was going to be astronomical but I also knew that if we were going forward, we were going all out.
My attempt was going to be so big that if it was an absolute failure it was still going to be bigger than another's success.
Knowing the Lord was in this, I didn't care about the expense. "Fill the tent with the best of the best equipment, chairs and air conditioning. Make it epic," I told the team.
Going into this crusade, I wanted everything paid off before taking the mic on night one. And the Lord did just that.
We didn't have to go around raising funds, the Lord brought in every portion of the $260,000 needed because where he calls he provides.
But getting to that place was incredibly uncomfortable for me, however. For days I was literally screaming inside "God help me!"
This is where my brain was at - if you're going to sink, at least sink in the Titanic and not a canoe because they'll at least make a movie about you in 50 years.
Know that when God takes you to the next level in your life, it's always something that you cannot do in the natural.
The vision of the tent was so massive that it had to come together supernaturally. There was no way I could do it in my own strength.
When God tells you to do something, he knows that if you obey him, he'll take care of the rest.
If God could provide us with a circus tent, the funds, secure us land, get us the permissions needed, give us favor - he most certainly will do the same for you. But it's your choice. You have to step out of the place of fear.
People want to be where we are but they don't want to take the steps necessary to being here. We are all given the same opportunities but it is our level of obedience that is the determining factor.
One of the most astounding aspects of this God journey was that, from the time we found a place to starting the promotions and executing the tent meeting, the Lord helped us pull it all off in just 21 days.
You read that correctly - 21 days from start to finish.
Suddenly, people started coming out of the woodwork to help. Volunteers from different States flew in just to be a part of what the Lord was about to do under the tent.
In 2020, Evangelist Ankit started traveling and preaching in different cities across America. When he would fly commercially, the airlines would require wearing a mask.
Evangelist Ankit was so frustrated, “How can I travel and wear a mask when I preach against living in fear and tell people to walk by faith?”
In that moment, he said “Lord, I know I’m called to preach the gospel and travel, so I’ll just drive around America and preach the gospel!” But he knew by the Holy Ghost that driving around America would be too slow to see the abundant harvest of souls come into the kingdom of God. The Lord told him to start chartering flights. Evangelist Ankit, asked the Lord “How can I justify spending that amount of money to preach the Gospel? That’s a lot of money!” But then he got the answer: “If wicked people can charter flights to promote wickedness, then he can charter flights to promote the Gospel!”
Evangelist Ankit decided to step out of his comfort zone and believe God to start chartering flights. Almost immediately the Lord spoke to a businessman to pay for the chartered flight to the next city in CA! From that point on, the Lord provided chartered flights for the team. Chartering flights allowed the team to go from city to city without delays. Although it was a huge blessing to the ministry, Evangelist Ankit knew that one day the Lord would bless the ministry with its own aircraft.
After finishing the Tent of Miracles in Sarasota, FL Evangelist Ankit was in a service at The River at Tampa Bay Church. Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne shared his testimony of an aircraft coming into his hands. He immediately sowed it into another traveling ministry. The same day, Dr. Rodney received an even larger aircraft for his ministry! As Evangelist Ankit was sitting in the service listening to the testimony, he was quickened to text the person who had previously offered to orchestrate ARB Ministries receiving an aircraft. They said to call and that if Evangelist Ankit comes to Houston the next day, they have an aircraft for him. The next day he signed the deal and received an aircraft for the ministry! It was an amazing testimony of three aircrafts in one week put into the hands of ministries who are travelling and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Evangelist Ankit believes ARB One will be the first of many! God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on) … 1 Cor. 1:9 AMPC
For information on other ways to give, including asset contributions and wire transfers, contact us at

Partnership is the key to unlocking consistent growth and blessing. Partnership says I am tying myself into this work to see it go further so that more people will be healed, touched, saved and delivered.The key to a consistent flow is intentionality. Some sow when they need something of the Lord. This often leads to sporadic scattering of seed on any soil, and whilst this will yield a return, there's no comparison to the harvest you experience when sowing consistent, intentional seed.By joining hands with what the Lord is doing via partnership, you tap into, and establish yourself, in the eternal. When you sow seed into good soil, there MUST be increase and we have this guarantee, that in this life, we will see a 100 fold return!
On top of that, the same blessing we receive in winning souls will be accounted unto you because you are connected to the work of expanding the kingdom!
Just as you cannot be a soul winner and not see blessings in your life, you cannot partner with those winning souls and not see your desires come into fruition because you are following Mark 37:4 "Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart."
God WILL GIVE you the desires of your heart when you put the kingdom first.
Join us!
Many see the end result but very few have heard about the journey and the behind the scenes of how the Tent of Miracles came to be and that's what I wanted to share with you.
I remember the Lord telling me in November 2022, seemingly out of nowhere, that I needed to do a crusade in Lakeland, FL. I thought this would just be another simple church meeting, but that wasn't the case. As with everything else when the Lord is in it, He far exceeded my expectations.
This crusade felt so big in my spirit, I knew a church building wasn't the right setting for it. We looked into stadiums and other large venues for availability yet nothing worked out. Nothing was big enough to fit what I felt in my spirit.
Sitting in my office, frustrated, I told the Lord we needed a larger place and reminded him of the call he gave me to go to Lakeland. How was it that the logistics weren't coming together?
And then, He said...
"Go get a tent.” What?! I responded, "absolutely not! Why would you want me to go get a tent? Tents are ugly. I don't want to be in one of those things!”
"There has to be a better way of doing this" and the Lord replied, "go get a circus tent." Immediately, phone calls were made and emails were sent yet every response that came back was a dead end.
"Lord, you told me to find a circus tent and we don't have a circus tent. So where do we find one?" The Lord said, "you're looking in the wrong place." Really? "Where do you want me to look?" The Lord replied, "at a circus!" Ha! Why didn't I think of that? With this direction, a phone call was made to a local circus and a beautiful tent was found - we locked it in.
Securing a building wasn't the only obstacle we faced, they seemed to pop up on every front. Not only had our team never organized a tent crusade but every time we found land and locked it in, the deal would fall through. We were even told by one of the land owners that there was going to be a wicca convention and that our meeting, and I quote, "wouldn't jive with their convention." Laughing, I was kind of happy they felt it wouldn't "jive", how weird if it did!
We weren't going half way with this crusade. I literally can't. I'm either all in or all out. I knew the cost was going to be astronomical but I also knew that if we were going forward, we were going all out.
My attempt was going to be so big that if it was an absolute failure it was still going to be bigger than another's success.
Knowing the Lord was in this, I didn't care about the expense. "Fill the tent with the best of the best equipment, chairs and air conditioning. Make it epic," I told the team.
Going into this crusade, I wanted everything paid off before taking the mic on night one. And the Lord did just that.
We didn't have to go around raising funds, the Lord brought in every portion of the $260,000 needed because where he calls he provides.
But getting to that place was incredibly uncomfortable for me, however. For days I was literally screaming inside "God help me!"
This is where my brain was at - if you're going to sink, at least sink in the Titanic and not a canoe because they'll at least make a movie about you in 50 years.
Know that when God takes you to the next level in your life, it's always something that you cannot do in the natural.
The vision of the tent was so massive that it had to come together supernaturally. There was no way I could do it in my own strength.
When God tells you to do something, he knows that if you obey him, he'll take care of the rest.
If God could provide us with a circus tent, the funds, secure us land, get us the permissions needed, give us favor - he most certainly will do the same for you. But it's your choice. You have to step out of the place of fear.
People want to be where we are but they don't want to take the steps necessary to being here. We are all given the same opportunities but it is our level of obedience that is the determining factor.
One of the most astounding aspects of this God journey was that, from the time we found a place to starting the promotions and executing the tent meeting, the Lord helped us pull it all off in just 21 days.
You read that correctly - 21 days from start to finish.
Suddenly, people started coming out of the woodwork to help. Volunteers from different States flew in just to be a part of what the Lord was about to do under the tent.
In 2020, Evangelist Ankit started traveling and preaching in different cities across America. When he would fly commercially, the airlines would require wearing a mask.
Evangelist Ankit was so frustrated, “How can I travel and wear a mask when I preach against living in fear and tell people to walk by faith?”
In that moment, he said “Lord, I know I’m called to preach the gospel and travel, so I’ll just drive around America and preach the gospel!” But he knew by the Holy Ghost that driving around America would be too slow to see the abundant harvest of souls come into the kingdom of God. The Lord told him to start chartering flights. Evangelist Ankit, asked the Lord “How can I justify spending that amount of money to preach the Gospel? That’s a lot of money!” But then he got the answer: “If wicked people can charter flights to promote wickedness, then he can charter flights to promote the Gospel!”
Evangelist Ankit decided to step out of his comfort zone and believe God to start chartering flights. Almost immediately the Lord spoke to a businessman to pay for the chartered flight to the next city in CA! From that point on, the Lord provided chartered flights for the team. Chartering flights allowed the team to go from city to city without delays. Although it was a huge blessing to the ministry, Evangelist Ankit knew that one day the Lord would bless the ministry with its own aircraft.
After finishing the Tent of Miracles in Sarasota, FL Evangelist Ankit was in a service at The River at Tampa Bay Church. Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne shared his testimony of an aircraft coming into his hands. He immediately sowed it into another traveling ministry. The same day, Dr. Rodney received an even larger aircraft for his ministry! As Evangelist Ankit was sitting in the service listening to the testimony, he was quickened to text the person who had previously offered to orchestrate ARB Ministries receiving an aircraft. They said to call and that if Evangelist Ankit comes to Houston the next day, they have an aircraft for him. The next day he signed the deal and received an aircraft for the ministry! It was an amazing testimony of three aircrafts in one week put into the hands of ministries who are travelling and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Evangelist Ankit believes ARB One will be the first of many! God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on) … 1 Cor. 1:9 AMPC